Monday, May 16, 2011

All I got.

Happy belated sixteen birthday, Wen Wen! I really hope you had fun during the celebration, I'm sorry I couldn't join you all, I've to rush home! Most importantly, you enjoyed right? I hope you like the present that I gave you, you know I go all the way to Universal Studios just to find that cute tweetybird who looks like you. HEHE wait for me to watch NC16 okaaaaaaaay. Study hard for your exams! Luv chuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu <3

Nana Tay! Happy sweet sixteen!! Sorry that I couldn't join you for the celebration too, am really sorry! I hope you had a great day and wait for me too to watch NC 16 okaaaaaaay hehe. First day of exams on your birthday haha! Kidding study hard babe! Luvvvv chuuuuuuuuuuuuuu <3


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