Friday, December 31, 2010

The time of my life.

Goodbye 2010.
So, its 31 December 2010, in the blink of an eye. 2010 has been rather a really bad year for me. I've gone through alot of things together with my family, boyf, and my friends. I've made new friends, I've been to many places, I've loved many people, I've lied, I've made mistakes. I really hope that 2011 will be a good year for me. But still, I got to prepare for SYF first, and then N level. I don't wish to disappoint my parents over and over again. I really wanna thanks those who have been with me throughout this whole year, who have been really supportive of me. :) This year, I've met many amazing people, loved many hearts. I'm just going to use alot of words to sum up a few smiles. It hasn't been the happiest year for me, but anyway here it goes.
My words to the people who I will always remember.

To my 3 beloved sisters, thank you for everything. Thanks for the excessive smiles, and wrinkles this year. You girls are the top priority in my life, I wouldn't want to change a single thing about it, thank you for hearing me out, thank you for being so supportive towards me.

You know what I'm gonna write for you already :( Baby, you're the best thing that's ever been mine. My love for you is still the same as before. I'm always supporting you in everything you do, be it studies, your blackshot or anything :) Just be glad that I'm here for you. Just expect a surprise coming right up for your birthday alright baby? 2010 has been a rough year for the both of us, and we manage to overcome it together as one. You're the top priority in my life too, always know that. Thank you so much for everything, thank you for being a sweetheart and sacrificing your time for me, thank you so much. Just remember that no matter what happens, I'm always yours. Hehehe, you're the sweetest. Don't be a bad boy like how you used to be during primary school! Don't be gay please, that's the most important. Stop showing off your fats to me, hehehe. Isn't it amazing that no matter how many times you've hurt me, I still love you so so much?! You should be thankful that I'M ONLY IN LOVE WITH YOU. Our Starbucks moment everyday after school is unforgettable, double chocolate frappucino. Our favourite. You love the same drink as me too! How sweet. Thank you for everything especially on the 17th December. The day we watched Narnia, EDMUND! :) Days with you has always been fun! Thank you for getting involved in my life! Love you cherry chaps.

Amalina bte Rosli. You have been my greatest friend, my KPOP sister, my everything. I love you for everything. Thank you for listening to my abcdefg craps, even at night. The best day I had with you was when we're at flea. We didn't meet up during then holidays, not even once. So sad :( Hehehe, don't you dare divorce with me or I will steal your $. See ya next year darling!

Nurul Natasha bte Johari. HI NATASHI. Hahaha, inside joke. I don't have to say I miss you cuz I see you everyday during holidays! Band band band, right right right? Concert was fun, thank to you. Heheh, thanks for helping me to carry my uniform and my instrument when I was having a hard time. We are aunties from the supermarket. Remember during the comm bonding, and we were carrying alot of plastic bags? It was damn epic, heheheh. See ya next year, work hard for SYF!

Nur Indah bte Mohd Azli. Meow, hi bitch. OMGSZXSZ I MISS YOU. We didn't even meet up, tsk. Next year still same class, be sure not to emo around cuz you know I'll be having a hard time consoling you. Spare a thought for me okay :) Don't mingle mingle uh, there are alot of fishes in the water, I'm sure you'll find a better person soon. Cheer up! HEHEHEHE. Study hard, no more slacking okay!

Seraphina Teo Ching Sze. Hello bubbles. Why are you not replying my msg?!?! :( Hahaha, thank you for supporting me during the band concert! Thanks for giving me advices, thanks for standing by me. Hehe, our fleas' outing will never ever be forgotten, thank you for staying with me till late at night! Good luck for SYF too! See ya baby!

Amanda Low Qiu Yu. Remember our childish swimming costume? Heheh, mine was so big and baggy! I know I look so fat, whatever okay! Band was fun with you, thanks for the christmas present! The chocolate was helluva awesome, I love it! Practice on your clarinet! Good luck for SYF next year! Don't slack okay!

Valerie Lau Zhuang Min. My panda! I hope you like my christmas present! :) Cute right! Heheheh. Thanks for being the same pose as me, librarian! You're so hardworking, not me. Thanks for printing out scores when I'm not there, lets jiayou for SYF!

Kristin Oh Sin Yin. Hi candy. You're great. Always ask me out on Saturday! Thanks for the cup noodles! Hahah, I sound so cheapo. Who knew we'd be such close friends this year? Thanks for supporting me during the band concert! See ya next year! Study hard!!

I got no pictures of Jiawen, Peishing, Gina, Vaiges etc etc. I'm sorryyyyyyy :((((( Thanks girls for everything. Thanks for standing by me.

Deep inside my heart, I would like to thank everyone who I've mentioned for everything. Last but not least, thanks to the sec 3s comm batch! :)

Without you guys, investiture and concert won't be a success! Thanks Natasha. Shi Hui, Valerie, Truman, Liyana, Christine, Iris, Ramsay and Uvahraaj!

I've made new friends too. Thank you DUNMAN HIGH TRUMPETS!

Thanks for the christmas cards and the chocolates. Thanks for being a great friends to me! Thank you Jia Ying, Chong Ming, Xuewen, Chen Si, Clarissa and Cheryl. I love you guys like how I love my section! Hope to have more exchange programmes so that we can bond together again! Jiayou for SYF!

I think that's enough dedications for one post. :) Also my love for 3A2'10. Next year will be 4A2 already, study hard for N Level! Please keep me awake for Maths and POA. :))))
I'm really glad that I'm also involved in both NDP and YOG at the same time. I'm really lucky, cuz its a one time opportunity.

Mmmmkay, I hope 2011 is better, much much better. There will be Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber next year.

My new year resolutions,

-Be a filial daughter
-Be a more understanding girlf towards baby.
-Do better in school, study hard for N. I need to study more! I have to!
-Build more friendships. I'm sick and tired of having acquaintances. I want friends and girlfriends I can always keep with me for a lifetime.
-Get the freaking SONY NEX 5!!!!!
-Less hating, more loving.
-BE HAPPY! What I really want most is to be happy, and everyone around me to be happy!

I'll end here, happy twenty eleven everybody! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi TEO CHING SZE SERAPHINA.. My name is Francis Tan from AIA. is your dad Mr teo teow koon? If your dad is Mr Teo Teow Koon, pls ask him to call me at 96776775 as he has a policy for you which has matured and there is a cheque for him. thank you

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