Friday, December 10, 2010

Nobody leaves.

Had investiture today (: The sec 3s committee went to my house at around 2PM today to changed and prepare the foods. We sort of have a bonding session. Went back to school around 4.45pm. Make the drinks with Shi Hui and Uv. Just realised forget the ice which is at my house. Dad was kind enough to send it to school (: Thanks! Fall in, Mr Ng was damn high today. I was still having swollen mouth so he excused me from playing. Sat with Dian and camwhore. Haha. Investiture was reaking fun. I was appointed to be the librarian. Okay, atleast its not that bad. Congrats Liyana for becoming the chairman ^^

Took photos with my section, I love my section alot. Everyone was cooperative today, even the sec 1s. It was awesome that all our hard work paid off since all the sandwiches and foods are finished. Dian cried while we're giving her present. Haha, we're so sweet right! After everything are done, something bad happened to me. I lost my ring, yes. I LOST IT. I cried. Its like the whole band is willing to help me to find it, thanks alot! Thanks Yuhui, Klarice, Limting, Dian for cheering me up (: Well, all thanks to Ramsay, he found it. Surprisingly, it was outside the boys' toilet. How did it even got there?! It was pretty shocking. Oh well, now I have it back, I'm happy. Dismissed around 9.30PM. Headed home with Valerie and Natasha. (:

Dearest Dian Azrinda,

Thank you for everything. Thanks for your having patience with us, thanks for guiding us throughout your 4 years in band. Although you're always the most talkative one in our section, you're always there to make our sectionals lively especially with your jokes. You know when to get serious, and when to get cheerful. I really appreciate those moments you had with me for my 3 years in band, and I really hope you won't forget us once you've graduate. Do come often and visit us okay! I hope you like the gifts that we bought for you. Although it's small, but its the thoughts that counts! I bought the photo frame for you, with our section photos so that you can remember us, always. Good luck in everything you in the future. No worries, we'll work hard for next year's SYF! (: Love you

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