Tuesday, December 7, 2010

You tell me that you love me first.

Woke up at 8.30am and drag myself to bathe. Meet Natasha to have Mac breakfast, hehe ^^ Purposely went to school late cuz 'ahems' was there. So we slack at the toilet, and went up once Christine/Yuhui called. Reached Shine Center, we're like left out -.- Valerie came after that, and everyone was staring at her especially ..... Had comm meeting and then got bored. While waiting, camwhored with Natasha and Ramsay. Ramsay says he looks like a Korean in those pics, oh puhlease. -.- Went to eat our favourite chicken rice after that, thanks Ramsay! Went to hub to buy things for my mum and headed home.
Tomorrow is the day, the day that I will die....eventually. Band camp is tomorrow, and I have no fucking idea on how to survive for 3 days. I'm gonna pray hard that Mr Ng will be in a good mood tomorrow. In that way, I can manage to survive. *cross fingers*

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