Sunday, December 12, 2010

It feels like magic.

I felt so drained for not resting thru out a week. I'm so tired and exhausted. I'm dying halfway. I know I'm again back here, and not updating a proper post. I've not been going out hanging out, I'm all busy with that boy, with band, with this junk and that nonsense. Thank god, band camp is over. I need to get some life. Going out with dearest baby on Friday. Fuck yeah happy is me. Quote from Ashley Tisdale! Finally gonna spend time with the boy, weeeee! Dearest cheery chaps is prolly stuck in Malaysia right now, but he'll be back! ^^v Hurry up, I'm waitinggggg!
After all for now, December is ending already. 2011 is nearing. I should start fearing now.

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