Friday, November 19, 2010

You will never be.

Didn't go for sectionals today, was kinda lazy and since I woke up late, I decided to give it a miss. Bathed, and off to my primary school for prize-giving ceremony. My sis got first in English. Oh well~ Kinda miss primary school life. I miss Ms Mastura, my helluva awesome dance teacher. She wasn't there today ): The principal is retiring, and got a new principal from China, hahaha. Walked around the Heritage Corner. Saw some old pics, and I found like 2 or 3 pictures of me.

SYF Fusion Dance 2006

Mid-Autumn Festival (forgot which year)

National Day Observance Ceremony ( forgot which year too)

Hahaha. Pardon me, I look damn muthafucking nerd. Oh well, I MISS PRIMARY SCHOOL DAYS ALOT. The time when we tuck in our shirts and our skirt was damn high and super long, our socks are long, the time when our hair are all center-parting. :p

Love, Barbie.

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