Thursday, November 18, 2010

You didn't love her.

*credits @SofeaSalvador.

Days have been great for me except for the past few days. Slept at 3 or 4am everyday. Had band today, thought of skipping it since I was so tired and got not enough sleep last night. Dragged myself to get out of the bed. Bathed, wanted to meet Valerie to head to school together. Just nice she texted me that she's gonna be late. Met up with Natasha in the canteen instead. Got angry, band room is like always opened super late. -.- Supposed to have full band today, Mr Ng was sick, so had sectionals. Today's sectionals was helluva awesome. It's not really sectionals actually, but it seems like a bonding session to me. It's been so long. Finally Ying Xian and Dian came ^^ Take a break, walked around school with Hanxin. Bought some foods, since we are forever hungry during sectionals. Around 12, we were like it's-party-time feeling. Mostly everyone, went to the horns room and play. Okay, I joined them too. What to do? Sectionals were extended till 1. Band ended, fall out, and had some drillings. I love standing near to Liyana and Shi Hui. They will have like tons of craps to talk about. HAHAHA. Pack up my stuffs, ate my lunch at KFC with my dearest Valerie and Ramsay. Talked about some stuffs, went home aftermath. Slept from 4-8pm. I decided to continue my sleep, but mum wake me up and asked me to eat dinner -.- Sectionals tomorrow, siannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn ):

Finally had my heart-to-heart talk with dearest baby. Talk things out with him about our fight recently, felt so relieved telling him my feelings that I've kept for a very long time. Decided to tell him the truth for everything. Sometimes, it's better to be hurt because of the truth than to be hurt because of lies, isn't it? Finally we're in good terms. I will be looking forward to have a great day with dearest prince charming in days to come. I can't deny the fact that I am falling deeply inlove with you. I want to be the first to everything in your life. Love you lots shugga. Infinite X's and O's.

Love, Barbie.

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