Sunday, November 21, 2010


Went to Scape fleas with my girls. Amanda, Amalina, Sera, Valerie, Kristin and Serene. Didn't bought anything, nothing caught my eye. Today's flea was boring. Me and Amalina don't want to continue walking at the flea since both of us was having headache and felt like vomiting since the place was damn hot, like seriously. Amanda joined us too, we went to Wisma and to ION. Bought things at New Look, ^^ Waited for the rest. Meanwhile, we decided to go Far East. Valerie, Serene and Kristin wanted to go home. Bid goodbyes. Headed to Far East Plaza. Oldtown White Coffee! :) Camwhore at the 7-11 near FEP, we laughed our ass off till a group of nigger was looking and staring at us. But who cares? I wanted to say Chucky and end up saying Changi. Damn epic. Camwhored like noone's business. Need to go by 7 since I'm going to visit my cousin at the hospital. While we're walking towards the mrt station, we randomly stop and take pictures infront of everyone, well it's fun actually! Took the train with the girls and alight at Novena. Board the bus and headed to KKH. Went in to the ICU to take a look at my cousin with my aunts. I literally cry when my he talked to me on how he was feeling. Tears rolled down his cheeks. It's really sad and hurtful to see your loved ones suffering. Be strong cousin! I'm sure you can pull it through. <3

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