Monday, November 22, 2010

My man.

The man who gave me more reason to live my life in a better way than I used to.

We first met way back last year but we never got a chance to be together before so by the time in August, we grabbed the risk of trying to build a life being partners. We had a whirl wind relationship, we fight more than you could ever imagine, we have weaknesses that we are both dealing with, we are imperfect in our own ways but whats amazing about the love we had is, at the end of the day, it will lead us both back together. Now, we are turning 15 months as couples, I remember every single thing we’ve been through and how we love each other at our best and worst sides. The fact is I really dont know about what will the future bring, there’s that fear inside me that makes me feel really bad at times, but as I try to look at the real world, I realized that we are meant to be together if we choose to be together. My forever with him is a decision, a decision we both have to make. I love this guy soooooo much and I will constantly pray that he is the RIGHT guy. BF can mean two things, bestfriend and boyfriend. I’m lucky I’ve found someone who is both. Your scent filling my nose. The warmth of your arm leaning against mine. If I turned slightly, I could see the profile of your face, those succulent lips, just waiting to be kissed. I had already jumped once, despite the movie not being scary, just so I could get closer to you. I knew I smelled good and hoped that you would lean closer. I wanted to feel you pressed into me, your lips on mine, that absolute bliss. No, I needed that. You were so full of positive energy and of love. I want you to be the one I called every night before I fell asleep. I wanted to love you. And then it happened. Your hand touched mine. A delicate touch but nonetheless, our hands intertwined. And then I leaned over to kiss you. The moment our lips kissed, I experienced something so amazing. My heart overflowed with happiness and thankfulness and joy. That was the most beautiful kiss in my life. Let your fingers linger as confusion prevails, I’ll be here for you if all else fails. Infinite X's and O's.


Love, Barbie.

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