Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I FEEL SO FUCKING USELESS. JUST LET ME DIE. Life is hard seriously. Sometimes, I wonder how people lead a peaceful and happy life. I used to be the happy-go-lucky and hyper type of person last time but why am I always feeling sad and frustrated nowadays? Why are all these hardships given to me? Am I that bad? I always wonder why am I brought up in this world. People always don't appreciate me, why?! They always tend to use me as substitution. Having this bad situation is really fucking my life upside down. I cannot concentrate on every single thing I'm doing in my life right now. My life no longer is the same. I always breakdown and become so emotional eversince this happens. I don't want to waste my life, just like this. But I seriously got no more strength to fight for my life anymore. Sigh.

Heart to heart talk with dearest baby and Kristin yesterday. Thanks alot lovesssssss for hearing me out <3

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