Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I hate my aunt from my mum's side, seriously. She thinks that she's fucking rich, she can do whatever she wants. Oh yeah, you're rich, but you still own a shop in a coffee shop. I repeat, COFFEE SHOP. Major what the fuck. You're fucking rich, why didn't you own a restaurant? Stop being so paranoid.

Firstly, if you feel offended of what my mum say to my other aunts the other day at the hospital, then you're so fucking wrong. You think that you got your first daughter, we care? Dream on.

Secondly, stop being a 2 sided fat bitch. Whenever you're with my mum, oh you look like you care so much for her, by giving her this and that. Want to show off your richness to us? Fuck you. Whenever any of my aunts are going home etc, you aways kissed their cheeks or something. By then, behind their backs, you'll talk about them. That's being 2 sided bitch.

Thirdly, if you hate me and my sisters hanging out with your daughters, you can tell us. You don't have to hide behind the bush, and backstab about my family or any of my sisters to anyone. Even if you tell them, I'll know it..eventually. If you want to voice out your thoughts about me and my sisters or my mum, say that to us, or our mum. By telling other people about us won't make this matter better. Cut it out, and tell me instead.

I don't find anything wrong for my parents to apologize to you. Even if you asked them to kneel down, I bet they won't. Stop being a bimbo and don't be fucking arrogant!

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