Friday, October 15, 2010


Dear Dir,

In seven more days, it will be our 14 months since we met. I’m sitting here looking back on everything I have saved since then: the letters, the pictures, movie tickets, stories, anything and everything that has something to do with our history. It has been such a painful one, but it was worth it none the less.

I was a naive girl and you're a funny and charming boy. I didn’t expect to see you, nor did I expect to feel what I did for you. But something pushed me to, and I like to believe that something was fate. This comfort, this chemistry, this easy going way. It is only something you have brought me, even after all this time. I was your girlfriend on August 22nd. We went on our first date and had our first kiss on November 13th. We said I love you to each other. I always wanted to be everything to someone, and you called me and told me I was the world to you. You told me you always missed me, always loved me, and no matter what you will always be there for me.. We started hanging out over the next two months, taking things slow because I was still so afraid. But you took my hand and showed me I had nothing to fear; not with you anyway. I know we have a beautiful future ahead of us.

It’s been a long, tiring journey, my love, and I wouldn’t take back a second of it. From day one you were always there and now as you stand by me today I see that you have never left my side, no matter how many times I pushed you away, no matter how many times I ran away out of fear, you took my hand and showed me love. You saved my life, and you knew it before I did, and for that I am forever grateful. Things may get hard, and sometimes the light may be hard to see, but just remember when that happens just look by your side, right here I’ll always be?

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