Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Its been said and done.

Sorry for neglecting my blog for a pree' long time, was busy studying for N's and I'm glad that it's all over, I can say I did my very best but I shall not be too complacent. Gonna pray hard and hope my effort paid off on 16 December. Life has been hard for me, but I'm still me. I'm tryna be strong to overcome my problems by myself, and hoping that I can pull it through. People come and go in my life, I'm used to it, and I'm glad I still have my boy with me. I've been under depression lately, I rarely have the appetite to eat, but I still survived. Had a huge tiff with baby on 1st October, and sadly, we still hasn't resolved till now. Its gon' be 2 weeks of fighting, I guess he's probably stressed over he's O's. Well, I feel useless as I can't do anything about it. All I can do is wait and let nature take its roll. I'm never inferior, and I'm glad he still stood by me no matter what happens.
I hope my holidays will be well spent.
Am at the most lowest point of my life right now. Sigh.

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