Friday, October 14, 2011

Because you loved me.

Remember you're with me, I'm glad that you're mine and I'm yours. But just remember some things, I hate it when we fight, I hate the way we ignore each other, I hate when I'll cry every night. Cause' my tears won't be sobered. Nothings will ever make me smile if we let each other down. I'm writing this song to let you know how I really feel about you.

Baby don't forget that you're the only one who'll make me smile, you're the only one who'll make my day.Baby don't forget, that you're my everything.. Remember the day we met? We did not expect us to be what we are today. But I realised for somethings, I never ever thought a guy like you would ever come to me. Of all why you? Perhaps you will be my other half. Nothing can describe the way I feel when I'm with you. You're the sunrise to my day, I'll do the same to you too. If I ask for something, don't say no. When I need you baby I know you will be there. I know you're trying your best.. Baby please don't have any doubts, after every down we face. I really love you, with my only heart and sou. You're my only one. xoxo *hearts*

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