Saturday, February 5, 2011

They say bad things happen for a reason.

Sorry for the lack of updates. Was kinda busy this few days with my 10 pages of research and essays. I shall summaries what happened this week!

On Wednesday, celebrated CNY in school, half day. Attendance was pathetic. Only 20 people are present. 15 boys, 5 girls. Awell. Not even Gladys, Indah or Anusha came. Thank god, there's Afiq and Jonathan who accompanied me the whole day. Thanks! :) Hehe. The performances put up by students were great. Didn't know that Kianhui could sing! Overall, it was thumbs up for it! Met up with baby after that, and had our lunch!

As usual, days with dearest loverboy is always fun! He'll do anything for me just to make me happy and secure when I'm with him, and that is why I love him so so much! Thank you sweetheart for everything! ♥

On Thursday, met up with Anusha to visit Indah's grandfather at SGH. It was a great day with my lovelies. Me and Anusha literally lost our way just to find Mac. We walked from Outram to Chinatown to find Mac, and we found it at last. While on the way to SGH, both of us were texting and not aware of the surroundings. We nearly got bang by a car. Well. One day, my phone will be the cause of my death. Met Indah at SGH, blahblahblah. We headed to Jurong aftermath to search some stuffs, and home sweet home after that!
Went out to my grandfather's prayers with my parents yesterday. It was boring. Not going out today since I'm going out tomorrow with my lovelies to Vivo!

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