Sunday, February 6, 2011

I'm still alive but I'm barely breathing.

There's a couple of words I want to say to you my love, Muhd Dirshee.
Before you read this, please know that it's written sincerely from the the deep bottom of my heart.

For the rest of my life, I'll be there for you. I'll stay by your side, honest and true. Till the end of my time, I'll be loving you, only you. For the rest of my life, through days and night, I thank God for open my eyes. Now and forever, I'll be there for you. I know that deep in my heart, I feel so blessed when I think of you. I ask God to bless all we do. You're my husband, my boyfriend, my everything and my strength. I pray we're together eternally. Now I find myself so strong. Everything changed when you came along. I know that deep in my heart now that you're here, infront of me I strongly feel love and I have no doubt. This are the couple of words I want to say to you. No matterhow angry you are still with me right now, I'll always love you very much. I'll be strong, and fight for this love, for you, for me, and for us. Thank you for being a sweetheart. Love you munchkin!

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