Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Burning up.

School was alright for me, except the fact that I had to face A for the whole day. It just totally ruin my mood. Baby didn't attend school today. So far, today was okay. Band was helluva awesome! I was accompanying Valerie and Natasha outside the classroom, since Natasha had to teach Valerie on how to play the French Horn since Mr Ng chose Val first! Haha! Talk to Mr Ng about some scores, and he randomly decided to ask me to play the French Horn instead of Val, well okay.. Was not familiar with it though, awell. It was a great experince for me, to try out new things. You know I love trying out new stuffs ^^HAHAHAH. Chemistry test tomorrow. Okay, I got to study since Mrs Yio is back.

I hearts Taylor Swift and Justin Bieber (& baby too!).
To those fucking haters of Justin Bieber, stfu and get your own life k. I don't see any reason why y'all hate him so much when he didn't even do any fucking things to you. Stfu and move on. Get a life, really. He's talented, unlike you.

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