Sunday, December 5, 2010

Can't nobody.

Sorry for neglecting my blog. Hehe, was busy. Had band, it was terrible. Cut my hair on Friday. Sis say I look like Barbie doll -.- Went for my niece's shower party yesterday. Had alot of fun! The foods was great. (: Went out with my parents today for my cousin's engagement. Didn't take much photos. Haha! Was supposed to have sectionals and drills tomorrow, but unfortunately, it was cancelled. I was hoping to have sectionals tomorrow, so that I won't be nervous for band camp which is on Wednesday till Friday. This week is pretty good so far, just pissed off with some people, that's all. My days are well spent with my family. I've yet to go out with baby and my girls. Prolly after band camp, once I have the freedom. Prolly getting Sony NEX 5? :)

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