Thursday, December 23, 2010

It's impossible.

I seriously have no idea whats got into me, my body, my soul and my heart. I got the worst anniversary yesterday, its really heartbreaking. I've been having a really bad day since yesterday, and unfortunately, today. Sigh. I was having PMS during band, due to some people, who make our plans cocked-up. Forget about it. Reached home, I was so damn pissed off. I can't use the laptop for god knows why. I can't go online, I cannot do anything about it. Like seriously. My anger took over me, and end up both of us fighting. Its because of me showing attitude. I seriously hate myself, whenever I'm having PMS. Anything can come out from my mouth, like seriously wtf. I got alot of bad remarks about me from people too, they bad mouth about me behind my back and I seriously fucking hate it alot. People are hating me, every single soul in this world are labeling me as the bad person. Its just too fucking pain. Its really heartbreaking having to see people giving me comments on formspring, 'You're a slut, you don't deserve Dirshee.' 'You're a low class bitch.' and the list goes on and on and on. People hate me for what I've done towards Dirshee?

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