Saturday, December 25, 2010

Go away.

Hahahah, lets start from yesterday. Went to school at around 8am to help to print out the concert booklets. 600 copies, oh yeah. Thanks Shi Hui for helping me to buy bubble tea, I love my kawan! Hahah! :) After we went to the staff lounge, I was damn hungry and so, me and Natasha went to the kitchen to steal some foods. There's instant noodle, we intend to eat it, but there's no bowl or fork -.- pathetic much. I got so pissed off with someone. I'm not gonna elaborate about it, it just pisssed me off seriously. Went home, and surprisingly, I fall asleep straight. Had a nice nap, woke up feeling so dizzy, so decided to bathe. Just nice when dad reached home, he asked us out. Well yeah, just tag along since I'm bored. No plans for today, just gonna go AMK Hub to buy some stuffs for concert on Monday and then to complete the presents and cards too. I'm left with Dunman's card, gonna do it later! :) Baby has gone to Malaysia, he'll be coming back tomorrow!

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