Tuesday, November 2, 2010

You're the one.

For those whom are not in love or never have been in love, you don't know how it feels like to really be in love. that kind of feeling, unexplainable. these few days, or rather weeks, you have realised that I had not been blogging much, that's because, so many things went through my mind, the perplexity undergo my head, you'll never understand, unless, you are in love, or have been truly in love, TRULY. It's a very nice feeling, when someone envelopes you when you are really down and desperate. Just a kiss on the cheek, not the lip, will gets you flutter, inside out. When it's raining, the joy or waiting taxi or bus together, and getting wet instead or being alone and have to hail taxi or bus frantically like a mad woman. When you are in love, you tend to be more dependent. And that, I have to emphasise, BEING IN A RELATIONSHIP DOES NOT EQUAL TO BEING IN LOVE. Being in love itself, you don't necessary to be in a relationship. When you are down, you really really can fall back to that particular boy. And, now I fully understand what they always say by this, THE ONLY PERSON WHO CAN MAKE YOU HAPPY, IS THE ONE WHO MADE YOU CRIED. How true(:
He would always go, hey baby, did you blog today? Then you will look up and say, why, what's up? He'll reply, na, just wanna read everything and know everything that you have thought or that you are thinking. He would want to understand everything of you. Most people will argue that, if knowing a person too much will leave the both of you speechless or out-of-topic, that's so fucking not true. It's rubbish created by playboys. The truth is that, when you are in love, everyday when you see the person, or no matter how many times when you have see that person, you would feel like as if, that's the first time you see him. Just like our Mr Lee Kuan Yew, since his wife had stroke that left her unable top speak or move, still, every night, he would go to her side, read to her poems and tell her about his everyday life. How sweet. So yeah, those people who just want to play in relationship, should be burnt alive or something, however, if there is no break up in this world, the music industry will go bankrupt, seriously. Haha. Oh well, let me summarized these whole thing, I am in love.

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