Monday, October 11, 2010

Can't be tamed.

School was okay today. First period was Malay. Since I got nothing to do, I decided to do my History work. ^^ next was Physics. Ms Teo was kinda in a good mood, but I got so fed up since she kept talking about other stuffs. -.- Recess was next. I didn't eat at all since I got no appetite and I got this bloody cramps. Humanities was alright. No complains (: Next was Enrichment. Played Noah's Ark, managed to survive. :p After that, Physics again. -.- Went to the Animation Lab for TC to do this survey. Sadly, I can't login, so I surf the net, yay! (: After school, went to the canteen to grab some food with Natasha and headed to the band room for committee meeting. Ended around 3, walk with Ramsay and I headed to the library alone while waiting for baby. Met baby outside school around 5.30pm and home sweet home~

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