Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Perfect Two.

Today school was okay for me, went to school with Gina and Anusha. Went straight to the canteen once we reached school since we were so hungry. Bought my lemon tea and my pizza :) YAY! First period was Malay. My mood was ruin, I was super happy when I was having my heart-to-heart talk with Indah and Amalina. super pissed with the teacher, it's obvious that I clearly didn't say vulgarities. You can send me out of the class, idc :) super fucked up. Next was History. As usual, boring as always. Recess, ate a lil' bit and then off to POA. Ms Wong was in a good mood today, so I shared with her my lame jokes and invited her to my wedding. K lame! Haha. CME is okay, I was sleepy, so slept for awhile and kept playing with Indah's shoulder. Sorry babe! Had relief for English! (: Walked around the whole school, saw baby :) heheheh. I simply love going to Maths class nowadays! That is because, the teacher kept giving us chocolates and sweets! I did pay attention okay! ^^ did my work. School ended, went to accompany Gladys to the dance room and I studied at SHine Centre alone for a while. Wanted to go home at around 2.30pm, but baby texted me and ask me wait for him. So yeah, went back to school and sat with Amanda and Meiling. Meet baby and home sweet home~ :)

- Dad's birthday is in like 2 more days, & I seriously got no idea what to buy for him :/

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