Monday, August 22, 2011


22nd August 2009, the first day we got together. And today, 22nd August 2011 marks our 2nd year! Happy happy happy second anniversary baby! This 2 years has truly been the best part of my life. If I am able to decide what to do again, I'll choose to be with you still. There's no part of this relationship that made me regret my decision; they only made me glad that I just followed whatever was coming. I had no thought of jumping out of it ever since I stepped in. Never. Until you ask me to.
But I wonder, seriously, what was on your mind at this time two years ago?! I was err pretty nerd at that point of time. Hmm, love at first sight? HAHAHA. Pretty cute ^^ How lucky I am to get to know you.


I remembered I was a pretty shy girl back then, your smile was the first thing I noticed when you walk past me. I fall in love with your smile straightaway. Your smile are what makes you perfect. I remembered asking Nizam alot about you, and through that, I have to thank him, if not I think we won't be together! I clearly remembered one of my closest friends has a huge crush on you too, and because of that, I wanted to give up on you. Despite many advices that she has given me, it makes me stronger in continuing to love you. I felt rather bad, as she's even willing to give up on you, just to let me be with you. We started dating on July and somehow on the 22nd August, which is also the first day of fasting on that year itself, you started asking me to be your girlfriend. With the help of my friends, I accepted you on 10.42pm. Thank you Seraphina, Amalina, Jiawen, Natasha and Gina. <3

Our very first photo :)
Subsequently, I wasn't really a vainpot back then until I met you. You made me who I am today, and you make me realise how important my life is.

21st January, we celebrated your birthday. It's amazing how you can click very well with my friends. After celebrating, the first time we went to Vivo for sight-seeing. Being with you is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

Our very first Valentine's day together. You're willing to skip your lessons, and go out with me, to spend the whole day with me. Tell me, how can I stop loving you?

Our very first move date and our very first neoprint hehehe. It's so amazing how early we'll meet each other and how late we'll go home. It's like we have the whole world to ourself.

Our very first kissing photo. :)

You fetched me from school, when I had a long day in school after band camp. Lying down on your shoulders after a long day in school is what I really cherished it.

Our second movie date! We went to watch A Wonderful Afterlife. It was rather a humid day, and I was complaining all day long. It was sweet of you to kiss me randomly while walking on the streets.

This has got to be one of our best photo. Bumping into you at the shopping malls, impromptu meet up with you. People says we look like we're married here, hehe. :p Thank you Amanda for taking this pic!

LAST OUTING ON 2010! We went out to watch Narnia, and here I am screaming whenever Edmund pops out :P So cute of you to always asking me to shut up cause you're too engrossed in watching it!

We met up with your friends after everything is over. Feeling very tired, we still managed to pull it through and reach home safely.

And there goes our one year! We rarely spent time because you had your bridging programme while I was busy with my CCA in preparing for the upcoming competition. It's really so sweet of you, you're so understanding and that makes me more crazy in falling in love with you.



We celebrated Chinese New Year together, hehe. Nah, we went out after that!

I met up with you after my band camp, again! And also accompany you to school since you're having bridging program.

This has got to be one of my most guilty day ever. You even took the risk to skipped your lessons just to go out with me. Ignoring all the consequences. Well, you're really brave baby.

The day when you got angry with me because I kept whining about the weather. Since I had enough cash, I decided to treat both of us for some cold Ice cream, and yes I did cheered you up! One of the best day, I love your dressing that night.

Watched Something Borrowed with you, it's cliche that we weren't paying so much attention to the movie but instead we kept laughing to our lame jokes. Met up with your friends on that day, and one of the best day I laughed so much with you. I remembered your phone was confiscated that night, and I was having a rough night since I had to go to Jurong after that. Thinking about you getting so worried for me makes me more worried about you. Probably one of our last outing for this year before both of us sit for our major exams! Suffer now, and then we can enjoy later once you end your Os!

I had to go through so much because you had your bridging programme last year and unfortunately you have your Value-Added lesson this year. Its very hard not to see you everytime.

Last but not least,

*credits to Winniefred


I just want to thank you for EVERYTHING that you've given me. Thanks for making my love life story so memorable, so beautiful.
Thanks for giving in whenever you need to so we could maintain a quarrel-free relationship.
Thanks for making me understand that there's someone who is always there for me.
I guess what everyone needs is a love like this. Don't say that single is outright better than being in a relationship. The latter is always better, because what everyone needs is someone they can trust, rely on, be honest and be comfortable with. It's always better to have someone with you rather than being alone. If you think being single is better, it's because you haven't found someone who can prove you wrong yet. Of course I know it's difficult to find, but you will, one day.

So, thank you baby, for giving me the chance to be able to be in a relationship like this. I don't know how I got so lucky, but since I got it already I gonna hold on.
I don't know how long more we still have ahead of us and what is in store for us; but no matter what, just remember that I'm gonna love you with all the time we have.
I seriously have nothing to regret for in my life. We've gone through so much in life. getting into trouble in school, and also with our family. We managed to pull it through despite millions of quarrels that we had.
No regrets, feel happy, fortunate and wonderful.
It's exactly what I'm feeling now, even after 2 years. I wonder how we actually made it through. 2 years?! It has been a pretty long journey for the both of us.
Thank you for having faith in me, for believing in me, and for not giving up on me and of course this relationship eventhough we've been through countless of fights. No doubt, you've always been the bestest boyfriend ever. You teach me what life is, you gave me word of encouragement when I feel like giving up on my life. espite many unhappiness I had within me, you never fails to crack jokes just to put a smile back on my face. If only you knew how lucky I am to be with you.

I love you so much baby, happy second anniversary baby! <3

With lots of love hugs and kisses,
Mrs Dir! <3

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