Friday, July 22, 2011

It's just...

lately, sighhhh. it's nights like this exact night when the stars are aligned just right and the moon is at it's perfect angle; when i can't grasp my mind around the thought that your mine and i'm yours. that you love me for me, the real me, the me that no other single being has ever met. even after every reckless night we have encountered, you still choose to stay and continue to embrace my life with love, with your love. it leaves me speechless 99% of the time. the way we met, how i spontaneously called you with no care in the world to come to a concert with me, literally after the first day we talked, that night before how you flirtatiously texted me that texting you would help me feel better, and it did. when i had no idea who you were yet i trusted you with every part of me, more than i have ever trusted anyone. i remember it all, every second of it. you've memorized every part of me, how i talk, how i act, how i move, my body language towards you, all the way down to the bone. i never believed in "love at first sight". but with you , hmmm i can't explain it, but i swear i fell in love the moment our eyes intertwined with each other. sure you can say "well that's dumb" or "you can't fall in love with someone just by looking into their eyes", maybe i can't but i know that moment lead us to fall deeply and madly in love with each other. you may ask, "baby why are you writing this?" and i don't have one particular answer why i'm writing this. i guess you can say, that some nights more than others the thought of loving someone more than i love my self really hits me. sometimes i sit and think of how lucky i am to have what i have and i just want to write it down for you to read. no one knows the love that we share, but i hope one day everyone will be able to experience what we have. because what we have does not come around too i guess what i'm trying to say, is that i'm one damn lucky girl. i don't know what i did to catch your eye, or to make you fall in love with me every single day. but i'm not going to question it. i do love you, and i don't care what anyone else says otherwise. you snuck into my life, you tore down those walls and you showed me what a real smile looks like. thank you for being my best friend, my love, and the one person in life that changes your life forever. i know most of these posts on here are of pictures, and random thoughts. but i just wanted one, that came from my mind, and tonight was perfect it was one of those nights when your like " damn, how the hell did i get so lucky?" 'your the first person i wanna look at when i wake up in the morning, and the only one i wana kiss goodnight. because the first time i saw your hands, i couldn't imagine not being able to hold them.'now isn't that lovely. never will i leave your side, or give up no matter how tough things get, my heart never will just like your heart never has. Happy 23rd monthsary baby. 1 more month to our 2nd year, you're just so yummy to me. I love you to the moon and back <3

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