Monday, June 6, 2011

I don't want another pretty face.

My life hasn't got any better eversince last week. Life fuck me upside down, and I felt really alone, yes very alone. I'm a loner, no one cares about me. I'm a sadist, no one loves me. Cramps, flu and headache seriously destroying my head, my body. And what's worst? I fucking fell down from a bike till blood began to ooze out. I think I'm paralysed, I seriously can't walk. Well, abit. But limping, and fuck to you people who laughed at me. Try putting yourself in my shoes, and you'll know how I feel! Okay whatever, no one cares anyway. Nothing much to update, just gonna share out my thoughts. I don't expect anyone to show me sympathy, cause that's not what I'm looking for. You can bitch about me, you can talk bad about me. Idgaf. This is my life, deal with it. Almost every night I would lie on my bed, thinking about you, and I would even start crying.

Last but not least,

With all my deepest sincerity, heart and soul, I would like to apologise to my dearest honey pumpkin, Muhd Dirshee bin Elias for everything. Be it hurting you, disappointing you or neglecting you. Most importantly, every single thing I've done to you. If only you knew, how much I miss you, how much I want you. The more you go away from me, the closer I want to go towards you. I may not speak a word, but my heart will always tell that you are my dearest forever. I'm sorry love, and I love you very very much.

xo - your girl

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