Wednesday, June 22, 2011

You make me wanna say I do.

The day is finally here. Every 22nd. To my dearest amazing baby, happy 22nd monthsary! I still can't believe that its gonna be 2 years of our relationship in another 2 more months. To be honest, yes I'm really glad to have you in my life. No doubt baby. Despite many fights that we've gone through, you're still amazing to me. I'm glad we stood strong after going through so much together. We tease, we fought, we laugh, we cry, we joke, we pamper, we kiss, we hug, we crack jokes, we made fun of each other etc. These are what makes us strong today which makes our fond of love grows stronger and deeper too. Eversince you came into my life, you made me to a better person, you've made a great impact in my life. I must say that I'm really lucky to have you my dear boy. We're not on good terms right now, I miss you so much. I'll do what it takes to keep our relationship strong and not giving a single shit about anything except for us. You know how much you mean to me. Thanks for standing by me through thick and thin. Thanks for taking care of me when I'm sick. Thanks for always hearing me out. You're the best, and I love you and I always will. I'll stick with you till eternity, and not let any bitches ruin our relationship. Last but not least, happy 22nd monthsary my dear! I love you very very much


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