Saturday, April 2, 2011

Everything seems shallow.

It's been a long time since I had a proper post, huh? :) So basically, I've been busy with band this few weeks, busy with exchanges with Dunman etc. SYF is just 2 more days, omg. Exchange with Dunman yesterday, it was fun. Nearly cried while looking at Dunman's Trumpets, I miss them so much :'( Let's meet up soon okay!
My days have been great with the awesome people around me, who never fail to show me so much love and concern. Despite all the problems I had, despite all the break downs I'm going through, I thank god I have a beautiful heart warming babykins who is going through this with me. I love you, and I always will.
Thank you Natasha, Amanda and Valerie for sticking with me throughout the whole band days.
Thank you Dunman High Trumpets - Xuewen, Chong Ming, Jiaying, Chen Si, Clarissa and Cheryl!
Goodluck YCKSB and DHSSB on MONDAY! Gambate! :)

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