Saturday, March 26, 2011

You're everything.

Remember who was by your side when everyone else left? I'm sorry for what had happened. I was having bad day for three days straight, and I'm sorry that I vent my anger on you. I can't help it, so much problems. For the past few days, I just have the urge to kill myself so that I would be free from all this, One problem after the other, I am wondering how long it'll actually take for me to finally have everything solved and done. I have not even found the way to solve a problem and another one comes up. I don't understand why, and I'm only the age of fifteen. What will happen to me if I reach my 20s? What will happen to me if I'm already married, and have tons of chidrens? What will happen? No one knows, I guess I won't get to live that long, and enjoy my life with my future husband when I reach the 30s.

K whatever, bye.

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