Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I miss your smile.

I got no SS book for Humanities today, and not even a single kind souls are willing to lend me. I had to ask my neighbour for it and she wanted to lend it to me. Few minutes later, she told me again that she need it. I was feeling remorseful at that point of time. I just gonna be prepared to get scolding. I was lucky enough to bump into my neighbour early this morning, and she was nice to lend me her SS book when the fact is that she need it today. I was feeling so bad, so therefore I gave her my Sausage McMuffin to her as a token of appreciation! Took cab to school, as I was afraid that I was late for school! Luckily I brought enough cash. School was okay, I'm only happy whenever I saw him, other than that, don't bother asking me. Mother Tongue and Physics common test was a piece of cake, I swear. After school, something fucking hurtful stuff happened to me. I swear it was damn annoying. Last Tuesday, my class' boys were playing with a hole puncher till it hit my head. Today, some annoying fuckers from sec3s were playing outside corridors and a stapler hit my head. I swear it marks the bad day of my life. Secondly, during sectionals today, I'll never ever forget what happened to me. I was playing outside with Natasha and my juniors and never did I know that baby was upstairs. I was freaking shocked and happy till I screamed and cried. I swear I didn't know why the hell did I bang my head and my hand on the door. It's so freaking numb right now. ):

I swear I had a lot of problems and burdens lately, I know I can't handle this alone. I just wish that I have a time machine so everything would just stop. I wish right now, its you who is beside me, giving me words of encouragement. Words of love, care and concern. I wish it was you, who is standing by my side right now. I wish it was you, who would wipe my tears away and said, 'baby, i'm here for you.'

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