Friday, March 18, 2011


It's officially the end of band camp. Had lots of fun with my section mates. Sort of wondering what happened to Liyana since she didn't attend the full three days. But the third day didn't turn out well for me. Some people just couldn't stop pissing me off. So what if you got new instruments? You don't have to keep boosting around about it. And the other thing is, someone even say I'm poor and even told my friends about me indirectly. Da fak. Fucking fat ass slut. It literally pissed me off. -.-
Have to thank alot of people for making this 3 days band camp awesome!
Thank you so much,
  • Mr Davis, for flying from Australia to Singapore to coach us. It was an awesome and memorable days with you.
  • Mr Ng, for being patient, and tolerating with us especially our off beats part.
  • Mr Wang, for coming down and tutor us eventhough we always laugh at the way you talk. Thank you for making us to play better.
  • Canteen Stall auntie for providing chickens throughout the three days! BESTEST FOOD EVER. ATE 4 CHICKENS EACH DAY. LOVE THOSE KIND PEOPLE WHO GAVE ME THE CHICKENS!
  • MY SECTION MATES & EX SECTION MATES! Natasha, Wenen, Mengian, Weijie, Hanxin and Guangyang! I'll always remember our disgusting 'cum' horny talks that we have outside the band room!

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