Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Never say goodbye.

I've cheated on my boyfriend before, and he still forgive me no matter what. He found it in his heart, and to forgive me and give me the second chance. I know I'm a bitch. I've learned from my mistakes and vow to treat him well.
I've penned this heartfelt dedication to my wonderful boyfriend.
This is for his undying love for me since the beginning. 22 August 2009, was the day that we decided to enter a relationship even though some thought that we were too young and that it was just a puppy love.
Many things happened during the years of our relationship. We went through thick and thin together. I have to admit, I was a very temperamental girl who always got sensitive for no reason and he was always my victim when I was being so sensitive. And then came the worst part of our relationship. He found out the truth, that caused him lots of pain, hurt and late night tears. I realised that it was not the same without him. I thought he would not forgive me and leave me for good, but that didn't stop him from loving me. He gave me another chance to change because he saw the good in me. He believed that I could change.
After all he went through, I realised how strong and patient he was. He stood by me all this while and never stopped encouraging me and trying hard to rebuild our relationship. As the years passed, I'm deeply in love with him. We talked things through and he decided to sacrifice his studies, his time just for me. This was the biggest move he made in her life. He said 'things happen for a reason. No matter the outcome, I will always be by your side and will never stop loving you.' 17 December 2010 was the happiest day of our lives, the day we were so happy being with each other. Seeing him smile in his Fred Perry clothes, his shoes just amaze me and it made me heave a sigh of relief and happiness because I realised how important he was to me and that he actually held on to me.
I'm glad he gave me that chance back then to change and improve our relationship. Now happily with each other, I realised that he never stopped loving me and kept on trying hard for us to be a happy couple. Less fight, more love. He is the best thing that ever happened to me .
Now here I am sharing with all you readers my love life and to tell you never to mistreat the ones you love cause if they leave you, it will be too late to realise how much they meant to you.

I'm lucky my boyfriend held on to me and never let me go.

It doesn't hurt to treat the ones you love well.

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