Friday, January 21, 2011

This is love.

Dearest Dirshee Perry,

Today is your birthday, Dirshee. Happy sweet sixteen! Its really great knowing you, and to be there with you. I'm glad that you're strong to fight for our love, knowing that no matter how many times we fought, you're always there for me, giving me the courage to move on and ask me not to give up! You've always been there for me, and always the one who is willing to accompany me with an open arms. We broke up once, but that makes us even stronger. Its your birthday, hehehe. Please be more mature and stop being so childish. Don't give me your innocent look when you know you've done something wrong okay bitch! :p I hope you like what I bought for you! Its a sad thing that we don't get to celebrate it, cuz you're having VA :( Don't worry, we'll find a day alright sweetie! Thank you so much for everything! Enjoy your sweet sixteen! 2 more years and then you can get your driving license, remember to drive me around okay!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY!

Done with the birthday wish for baby, now I'm combining our anniversary post together with his birthday post since my bitch boyfriend doesn't mind, and whats worst, I'm going Malaysia on that day. :(

The more I fall in love with this boy the more I want the world to know just how amazing he is.

So this is it, its long and it's my love in words the best I can describe it. I never would have pictured myself happy after everything I've had to be tortured through, but I did, I found happiness in a best friend. That best friend took me to my formal and I’ve never felt more beautiful, more alive.

I want to tell you about how I fell in love for the first time, and how I came to be a boys first love too. 22nd August 2009. That was when we fell in love. Sadly, he's graduating soon :( He was so talented, he had such an amazing voice. I had only heard it a couple of times but I will never forget the first time I heard his voice… He was the cool, attractive guy that seemed to entertain whoever and whenever. He made everybody laugh, I guess that’s what first drew me to him. We didn't really talk much, but he never seized to amaze me. After a couple of school lunch breaks we eventually started to date. He sang a song for me, I sat down beside and he sung "Just The Way You Are". I’ll always love that song, because he sung it so nicely. I fell in love with his voice. I was feeling remorseful and miserable because of some personal stuffs. He never knew how miserable I was or that behind that dorky little act I put on, the smile I put on, the happiness I pretended to have… behind it all I was insecure, broken, lost and miserable. I never realised all the flirtatious remarks we passed at each other but never realised we were doing it. We told each other lies at the beginning, we said we were happy, we laughed and giggled. Time passed and as it did we got to know each other better. I never hated him for what he has done to me. But that's not what he thought, even though he thought I hated him that didn't stop him from flirting with me. I'll never understand why I was so blind, why I didn't realize this incredible guy had been flirting with me this entire time. He loved certain aspects of me I'll put it that way. He liked to remind me what he liked about me occasionally. One weekend I went away, he started to start saying sweet things to me. I realised we had been drifting apart for such a long time. I mean lets face it, he was unfaithful right from the start.. I was young. I didn't know what I was getting myself into, I couldnt stand saying no, I had no guts to back out. It was pretty much a sinking ship right from the beginning. This weekend away was exactly what I needed. I needed to just clear my head. That weekend went by so fast, I spent it mostly talking to him. He made it clear he had liked me for a very long time. I told him I was a loyal girl… I guess even if you don't have feelings for someone, you just know they are your boyfriend, being unfaithful is something I just can't bare to do. The start of our little love affair he was all about the flirting and being just how a normal guy is. But when it came down to it he was so sweet, from day one he had always been the guy that would compliment me and mean it. He said the most honest, heart felt things to me. He made falling in love with him so easy. I don’t know what it was but I had butterflies for two straight weeks I swear. Every time I saw him, every time I knew I was about to see him, speaking about him. It was like my world was completely turned upside down and yet it seemed so right. I had never felt like this before. Each lunch break he sat next to me and got to know me some more. We had so much fun together. I completely forgot about the whole world. The endings of a lunch break were always good. I was so nervous to talk to him I simply just said goodbye. But he quickly spun me around and pulled me towards him. He said goodbye give me a cute smile. He whispered something into my ear… Like always it was a compliment. He made my entire day. I really didn’t know but I was falling for this guy fast. We all went to our classes, it was the last class of the day. He made me feel safe, his words felt true, he made me happy. He didn't make me feel bad for anything, I felt comfortable with him. Hugging him felt amazing.. In a way it was like even though it wants official we were each other. Every time we went out, he kept it simple, holding hands, cute hugs and compliments whispered in my ear. He was always so nice, so generous, so sweet. He would whisper into my ear how beautiful he thought I was, and how my smile is so gorgeous. He made me blush and smile. We all eventually went and sat down at a fast food restaurant. He lent over to me and kissed me. It was so out of the blue and I was shocked. It was probably the best kiss Ive ever had. After that everything just kept getting more amazing. I would text him all day and night. Even when I was at my friends house I was up late talking to him online. We would spend afternoons together, weekends together, we would talk till 3 in the morning almost every night. When he slept on my shoulder, I would simply kiss him to wake him up. He was so cute. Eventually after always having him visit me we started to get even more closer. I would always tell him how much I liked him, sometimes I would even go to say the word love instead of like. Until one day after getting so close he looked up at me and said "I think Im in love with you:. I smiled and told him I had been feeling like I was too and have been wanting to say it. It just felt so natural. We were in love before we even started dating. He eventually asked me out in the most romantic way. That was the beginning of an amazing relationship. I cant even begin to describe how I feel for him but I plan on being with him for my entire life. He was a boy I barely knew, but to him he had liked me for over four years. It almost feels like fate. How do I describe him to you? He's honest, so caring, genuine, deep, reliable, talented and beautiful inside and out. He was the boy who made me fall in love, he showed me love for the first time. I'm the girl who made him realise happiness, the girl who allowed him to finally let go, be comfortable, be himself. This is what I think love is, where people can finally be themselves, they can forget all the pain of the past and find happiness fropm strangers, to lovers. Never did he once imagine he would ever meet me… In a way its kind of sweet. Boy falls for girl he has never even met. Boy knows girls friends but is too scared to ask about girl. Boy transfers to girls school, boy sees girl. Boy realizes he wants girl and they both fall madly and deeply, uncontrollably, insanely in love.

And I’ll continue to love this boy until my dying day, no matter what I’m by his side for eternity.


I'm glad that we stood strong and we've made this far, I love you so much!

Lots of love,
Sofea Dir' Sephora.

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