Monday, December 13, 2010

Please always stay.

Life is fighting. In life, it’s the look ahead that counts. We are all born equally far from the sun. There is a land of the living and a land of the dead and the bridge is love.
Saying goodbye is the hardest thing you think you’ll never have to do, but sometimes, saying hello again is the thing that breaks you down and makes you more vulnerable than you ever thought possible. Sometimes, change is too much to bear. But most of the time, change is the only thing saving your life and having you is one big blessing that I've ever received in life.
Remember the times when we always have lunch together? I'll always remember the memories I had with you, be it the bad or the good ones.. The bad ones are not worth remembering because I wouldn't want to make the same mistake and as for the good ones, of course it's something that cheers me up whenever I feel like 'hey this is not going anywhere'. I thankyou for always being there for me, to allow me to lean on you whenever I got tired or whenever I feel like giving things up - you never fail to be a shelter to me whenever I need one from the reality world. You're the best.

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