Tuesday, December 21, 2010

♥ Give thanks to Allah.

I was feeling guilty after watching some videos of Allah. He was everything to me. He is my creator, my sustainer. I finally realised how important he is to me. Allah teaches man what he never knew. I know that no matter how many bad stuffs I've done, Allah will still love me no matter what. I've lied, I've stole things, I've made mistakes, I've been doing things that are not supposed to be done against my religion, I've done many bad stuffs, but still, I know, Allah will forgive me. He will always be in my heart. No matter how bad I am towards him, I still remember him. Allah it is who raised up the heavens without visible supports. Can you believe it? He's doing it alone without any help. Allah, he turns over the night to day, for people to have a lesson. He created different kinds of fruits for humans, he made humans into pairs- males and females. On the day when the Earth and the hills rock, and the hills become a heap of a running stand, believe it or not, Allah was the only one who saved everyone from being involved in this. The reason why he did this kind of things, is because he loves us, he loves me, he loves you. He is the lord of heaven, lord of everything. I feel so grateful, having Allah by my side. I know he's not faraway, I know that he's the only one who have shown me the correct path. The one who gives me strength to move on with my life. He's very important to me, he gives me everything I need in my life. I love and appreciate what he has done for me throughout my whole 15 years living. I'm love him for giving me awesome boyfriend, family, sisters and friends. I'll appreciate everything. Thank you Allah for everything. Allah the almighty, always. ♥ XOXO

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