Friday, December 17, 2010

Forever and always.

Town.Narnia3.MarinaBarrage.Sweetheart.Gossips.Jokes.Laughter.Camwhore.Love.I love you and I always will.Pictures.XOXO

What could be any better then spending your Friday sweet-toothing with your amazingly gorgeous heartthrob who just can't get his eyes off you?
If wishes come true, I want one of my wish to be the first and the last in everything you do.
Today was awesome with the company of my dearest. He was irritated by me when I kept repeating 'Edmund is so cute.' in the theatre. Sorry love.
Went to meet his friends at Marina Barrage. I got a sunburnt. Went back home with dearest at around 6. Camwhore with him inside the train, sorry love for forcing you eventhough you're tired! Thank you so much for everything today! Thanks for lending me your shoulder for me to lie on! XOXO

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