Thursday, November 25, 2010

You're a stranger.

Woke up at 6 am today, reason is because there's band. Bloody hell, I reached before 7.45am and the bandroom is still not open. Damn pissed off with Ms Seetoh. Luckily Ramsay was there to accompany me since both Natasha and Valerie haven't reached yet. Ramsay was asked to call Ms Seetoh, and guess what. She was still sleeping eventhough it's going to be 8am. Here's our conversation.

Me: Hello, is this Ms Seetoh?
M.S: Yes, who are you?
Me: Sofea. Erm, where are you? Can you open the band room?
M.S: I thought band starts at 9am?
Me: (-.-) Wait ah. (Pass the phone to Ramsay.)
Ramsay: Err Ms Seetoh, today we start at 8 and end at 4pm.
M.S: Oh okay okay, I go and bathe now. I'll reach in 20 mins time.

After that, Ramsay told Hongkai and Iris. They were pissed off too. Had full band like finally. Played Singapore Flyer, no hope for that. Gave out Christmas pieces, side-read it. Oh well, had sectionals after that. Combined with french horns. Laughed alot, it was damn fun, I sweaaaarrrr. Separated with horns after awhile. Went back to band room at 12pm. Fall out, and had our lunch before our drillings. Ate lunch with Amanda, Natasha, Valerie and Ramsay. Went to find papers with Valerie while the rest headed back to school. After we've finished buying everything, this is what happened between me and Valerie.

Valerie: Walao, we librarian very aunty sia.
Me: Haha, why leh?
Valerie: Have to buy alot of things.
Me: Aiyah, paper only what. You mean the plastic bag like market one right?
Valerie: Ya lorr.
Me: Next time we bring nice branded paper bags.
Valerie: -.-

We were late. Arranged the stuffs and then Liyana came to help us cuz Valerie has to go since she got work. Both me and Liyana wanted to skip drillings so we decided to print out the scores. Had fun inside the printing room, we were gossiping and talking about some unusual stuffs. Went back and it was only 3.15pm. Decided to just go for drillings. Was damn tired, Yuhui was there. -.- Fucking irritating. Kept torturing us. Luckily Klarice was not there, if not my day will be horrible. After drillings, I had cramps. My menses came, and today is the first day -.- Sigh. Went home with Ramsay, Natasha and Matthew. I was feeling giddy. Thanks to the 3 of them for accompanying me to the bus stop :) Reached home, I was feeling sick already. Webcammed with baby! <3 hehehehhe.

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