Monday, November 29, 2010

Somethin' about love.

I'm wide awake right now. I can't sleep, I'm just feeling upset and remorseful. I still feel so guilty about the incident that happened earlier on yesterday. How did we ever come to this? I showed attitude towards the one I love. I was feeling so scared that he'll lose hope and patience in me, I really don't want to lose a great person in my life. I wanna be the best person you ever met, but I failed. Throughout my whole 15 years living, he has been the biggest impact in my life. We do things together, we laughed alot at each other's jokes, we were there for each other through thick and thin, we got angry with each other, we kissed each other with our succulent lips, we watch movies together, we ate popcorns together, we stay up all night together. I'm just feeling that after our fight on the previous week, we were drifting apart and not even close anymore. I don't want our relationship to turn sour because of this, and I don't this to affect our life. You should know that I'm willing to do anything for you, just so you can hold on to me a little bit longer. I miss the way you hug my waist, the way you cheered me up when I'm down by kissing my forehead, the way you comfort me when I'm in my rough times and when I'm crying. I'm happy that you're willing to take the initiative to change to be a better person, just for me. You're no longer a hot tempered person, no longer a sensitive person. You're more understanding compared to last time. The way you love and care for me is so different too. The way you talk to me changed, too. You became a more soft-spoken honey bunny, and I love you just the way you are. I don't mind if you don't change, what's important is your heart. Your heart matters the most to me. Thanks for being such a sweetheart in my life. I thank God for bringing you and for making you alive. You have been sucha a great person in my life. Thanks for showering me with love and care. I love you. #22

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