Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Shining Shimmering Splendid

I decided to check my Formspring and came across this question.. Well, not really a question but just some anonymous who decided to leave something behind not about me but my BOYFRIEND.

I couldn't care less if there's anyone out there who decides to

talk shits about me or call me ugly or fat or skinny, etc. I dont care but

talking shitz about my boyfriend is a BIG NO NO.

C'mon, like seriously? Is that the best you can do?

" You " left a comment behind about Dirshee seemed like you know him too well.

If you are really sure about what you just left behind, prove it.

It's either you are obsessed about Dirshee's life or you are his frieNemy.

Either way, you are mental. I am not that gullible to believe something like that. I'm not stupid.

For 2 months of knowing Dirshee, he's not what you

think he is. That's your perception of him.

You are delusional, I believe you heard this from

other people.

There's always haters in everyone's life & YOU,

seemed to be his No.1 FAN to the extend that you had

to come over to his GF's Formspring and let it out.

Too bad, I don't buy your words.

I may only know him last year but from how he has been treating me, i

t's definitely far from what you thought. He's a heartthrob with a pretty cherry on top.

I am very much fumed with anger. You left that particular comment which was

way beyond limit, just too much.

Furthermore, why are you in my Formspring & pulling me into this?

I am not interested.

No Gfs will like people to bitch about their Bfs.

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